
This is a sector that requires a high level of specialisation and advice focused on highly technical aspects (including of a regulatory and tax nature) and the banking and debt capital market best practices. And above all, this is where we need to demonstrate our efficiency, precision and swiftness.

Only a firm like ours can support certain leading Italian and European groups in acquisitions, mergers and joint-ventures, both national and cross-border. We have assisted foreign banks in some of the most important acquisitions in Italy and in complex cross-border reorganisations of their businesses. We also assist banks in major national and international M&A deals. We also assist the management bodies of banks and banking foundations in acquisitions, defining the best governance structures, managing shareholdings, and devising and revising remuneration policies. Furthermore, we have worked alongside the most highly qualified banking operators in structuring, negotiating and managing complex joint ventures.


Here’s what sets us apart

  • We are one of the few firms who can boast experience in a range of fields, from M&A to corporate governance, from joint venture contracts and strategic and commercial partnership agreements to consultancy services for banking and relationships with the supervisory authorities. Our unrivalled range of skills offers genuine added value
  • We are accustomed to building and maintaining relationships with independent Italian authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and other competent institutions
  • We have assisted in the drafting of the new legislation applicable to project bonds to ensure their bankability, taking into account the requirements in the Italian infrastructure sector


Learn about our Focus Teams.


SACE Archimede Guarantee - 8 February 2024

A new type of guarantee has been introduced under 2024 Budget Law, that SACE S.p.A. may issue to support investments in sectors such as infrastructure, local services and ecological transition; as well as industrial, technological and digital innovation. Our

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Brexit Update: Italy prepares for a no deal Brexit and converts into law the Brexit Decree - 12 June 2019

On 20 March 2019, the Italian Council of Ministers approved the Law Decree No. 22 of 25 March 2019, which came into force on 26 March 2019 (the “Brexit Decree”), introducing urgent measures in order to manage the potential effects of a “no-deal” Brexit scenario on the activities of UK …

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Development Decree: new amendments to the Italian Securitisation Law - 27 May 2019

Law Decree No. 34 of 30 April 2019 (the so-called Decreto Crescita, or "Development Decree") has introduced some further, significant amendments to the "Italian Securitisation Law" aimed, inter alia at (i) fostering the transfer of “unlikely to pay” (UTP) receivables; (ii) introducing chang …

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TAX Treatment of REOCOs: some clarifications from the Italian Tax Authority - 5 February 2019

Which are the accounting and tax ramifications for ReoCos incorporated under the new Article 7.1 of the Securitisation Law? In the document available here, our real state Focus Tea …

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2019 Budget law: New amendments to the Italian securitisation law - 5 February 2019

The 2019 Budget Law has amended the Securitisation Law by  (i) removing certain restrictions on CDOs, (ii) clarifying the rules governing the direct lending by securitisation vehicles, (iii) clarifying on the rules gove …

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BonelliErede makes up two new partners: Ilaria Parrilla and Giulio Vece

At BonelliErede’s partners’ meeting on Saturday, 30 November, the partnership made up two new partners: Ilaria Parrilla and Giulio Vece. Ilaria Parrilla joined the firm in 2018 after working as an associate for major law firms in Milan and then London, where she is now based. She specialise …

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New additions to BonelliErede’s financial regulatory team

BonelliErede’s financial regulatory team will grow with the arrival of Anna Di Vilio as a partner. Di Vilio joins the Rome office today from PwC TLS and has over 20 years’ experience advising financial intermediaries and investment funds, gained in leading law firms. A team of three ass …

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BonelliErede appoints new board and makes up seven partners

At BonelliErede’s partners’ meeting on Saturday, 16 December, the partnership appointed the firm’s new board and made up seven new partners. As announced in October, close to the expiry of the current board’s mandate, a new board was appointed whose members are: Riccardo Bordi, Eman …

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