- Project financing and advice on tenders and granting of concessions for public works and services
- Infrastructures and transport law
- Energy law
- Banking and Financial law
- Company reorganisations
- Key sectors:
- infrastructure
- transport
- energy
- local public services
- Foreign languages: English
- Member of the Africa Team
- Member of the Banks Focus Team
- Member of the Infrastructure, Energy & Ecological Transition Focus Team
- Made Partner in 2022
- Joined the firm in 2011
- Secondment with Slaughter and May in London (2015)
Ranking and Awards
The Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 EMEA international legal directories list Giorgio as an expert in banking and finance and project finance in Italy.
“Giorgio has a capability to deliver expected results and meet tight deadlines. He is always available and exceeds clients’ expectations.”
(Chambers & Partners)
- Member of the Italian Bar
- Law degree from LUISS University of Rome
Knowledge Sharing

SACE Archimede Guarantee
A new type of guarantee has been introduced under 2024 Budget Law, that SACE S.p.A. may issue to support investments in sectors such as infrastructure, local services and ecological transition; as well as industrial, technological and digital innovation. Our
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The standard form contract for urban waste management: another step towards a uniform, transparent and efficient model
Besides helping improve efficiency and service quality in the management of waste, the standard form contract recently introduced by the ARERA will also increase access to financing. The standard form contract applies not only to agreements still to be signed but also to existing agreements
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Hydrogen: a new season begins
It is a molecule that could revolutionise the world of energy. But where do things stand with its development and use? What structural and legal limits are hindering progress, and how can they be overcome? And what opportunities are out there? Our
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Energy and Infrastructure M&A in the Age of Covid-19: Italy
Energy and infrastructure M&A in the age of Covid-19: new risks and legal issues, but also opportunities. All broken down for you here by our
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The European Fund for sustainable development and the EFSD guarantee
In 2017 the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have established the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD), the EFSD Guarantee and the EFSD Guarantee Fund: measures supporting businesses, bodies and organisations with the goal (i) to enable inve
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BonelliErede makes up three partners - 13 December 2021
BonelliErede’s partners’ meeting on Saturday, 11 December approved the promotion to partner of Enrico Chieppa, Giorgio Frasca and Federica Munno, the former a senior counsel and the latter managing associates of the firm. Enrico Chieppa joined BonelliErede in 2005 and is based in Milan. He
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BonelliErede crowned “Law firm of the year Project Finance” at the 2017 Legalcommunity Finance Awards - 3 March 2017
Thursday 2 March: BonelliErede was crowned “Law firm of the year – Project Finance” at the Legalcommunity Finance Awards. The judging panel highlighted the team’s high credibility and ability to bring added value to deals, and praised their “extensive understanding of the market a
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