Corporate Social Responsibility

We want to do our bit to help build a better future by putting our skills and expertise at the service of the community.


By investing time, energy and resources in the world’s most precious asset: children.

We focus our efforts on helping to give children a better chance of becoming free-thinking, educated, financially independent adults.

In today’s fast-moving world, this means keeping our finger on the pulse as to the changing needs of society. And a key challenge facing the world today is undoubtedly sustainability to allow future generations to prosper. That’s why our CSR work extends to environmental sustainability.

Our CSR efforts

Sustainable development goals at BonelliErede

Here at BonelliErede, we have chosen to adopt 6 of the 17 sustainable development goals in the United Nations 2030 agenda for the protection of the planet and the well-being of all its inhabitants….

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