The greater the drive towards globalisation, the greater the need to adapt legislation. European law in particular is now fundamental to the growth of all economic and industrial sectors. It is therefore essential for all businesses and public administrations to have highly specialist legal support in this area, which is what we offer.
Our experience is so vast that we can advise on even the most complex cases of interpreting and implementing EU law in all sectors: from state subsidies to customs regulations, from EU funding to agricultural policy and food safety, and from public tenders to issues in regulated sectors, primarily on the banking regulatory sector.
Our commitment to provide outstanding, comprehensive guidance knows no borders, no matter whether you are:
- a company based in or outside the EU
- a multinational group, investment fund, large company or SME (private or state-owned)
- a local, regional or national public entity that has to deal with EU institutions
We will assist you with procedures before the European Commission and other European institutions and represent you before EU courts, as well as national courts whenever EU law is involved.
If your business operates in regulated sectors or areas that have undergone legislative harmonisation, we will assist you to identify your rights at EU level and any related conflicts with national legislation. In these cases we will represent you in dealings with the member state involved, outlining the problems concerned and, when necessary, filing a complaint with the European Commission if the member state fails to comply with EU law.
Here’s what sets us apart
- We were the first Italian law firm to set up a practice dedicated to EU law
- We have decades of experience in the sector. Our practice encompasses all the fields of EU law, much beyond the boundaries of competition law, which is the focus of most law firms established in Brussels. We are recognised experts on state subsidies and on litigation before EU courts, including preliminary ruling proceedings. Our wide experience encompasses agricultural, food law, structural funds, public procurement, trade and customs law, etc. We are part of prominent academic circles. This experience allows us to identify innovative solutions to concrete business problems and evolving legislation
- We offer access to the latest developments in the caselaw, practice and policies of European institutions – thanks to our relationships with leading academic institutions in the field of European law and direct links with key players in the EU (the European Commission and its executive agencies, member states’ permanent representations, and The European Central Bank, through our outpost in Frankfurt)
- Our membership in the Best Friends network allows us to always have a clear picture of legal developments in various European countries and, therefore, we can draw on the latest legislation and caselaw of other member states