- Utilities and energy services
- Public finance
- Project bonds
- Project finance
- Market-first transactions in Italy in the following sectors:
- traditional and renewable energy
- waste
- water
- hospitals
- underground systems
- roads and motorways
- Reorganisation of listed companies
- Assistance to banks, shareholders and borrowers
- She is also in charge for the development of the Middle Eastern practice
Foreign languages: English, French
- Board member
- Team Leader of the Infrastructure, Energy & Ecological Transition Focus Team
- Team Leader of the Africa Committee and of the Africa Team
- Joined as a Partner in 2011
- Worked with Graham Winter and Anne Baldock, the pioneers of project finance and project bond
- Participated in the government roundtables established to draft regulations governing project bonds at the request of national and international banking associations
Ranking and Awards
The Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 EMEA international legal directories list Catia as an expert in Italy in banking and financial law, project finance and the energy sector.
“Catia Tomasetti is by far one of the most brilliant lawyers in Italy’s energy and infrastructure sectors.”
(The Legal 500 EMEA)
- Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales
- Member of the Italian Bar, admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation and other Italian high courts
- LPC: College of Law, London
- Law degree from the University of Bologna
Knowledge Sharing

The FER 2 Decree: new incentive scheme for innovative RES plants
On 12 August 2024, the Decree of 19 June 2024 was published on the institutional website of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) on ‘Incentives for innovative renewable source plants or plants with high generation costs having characteristics of innovation and reduced im
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Ministerial decree on incentives for renewable energy communities and collective self-consumption
On 24 January, Ministerial Decree No. 414 of 7 December 2023 (“REC Decree”) came into force. The decree sets out the criteria and procedures for granting feed-in tariffs under Legislative Decree 199/2021 and capital contributions under Italy’s NRRP to support electricity generated from re
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Lombardy: tender procedures for reassignment of large-scale hydroelectric concessions launched
As part of the reform of the hydroelectric sector, which began back in 2018, the Lombardy Regional Executive has passed two resolutions launching reassignment procedures for the large-scale hydroelectric concessions Codera Ratti-Dongo and Resio: These are only the first of many concessions that
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GSE issues regulation with classification of violations and related penalties
The long-awaited regulation issued by Italy’s energy services manager (“GSE”) implements Art. 42, para. 3, of Legislative Decree No. 28 of 3 March 2011 concerning verifications and penalties. It puts an end to the long impasse dating back to 2012 (when the first measures were introduce
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The standard form contract for urban waste management: another step towards a uniform, transparent and efficient model
Besides helping improve efficiency and service quality in the management of waste, the standard form contract recently introduced by the ARERA will also increase access to financing. The standard form contract applies not only to agreements still to be signed but also to existing agreements
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The NRRP-ter Decree and the main measures regarding the authorisation of plants fueled by renewable energy sources
The recent enactment of Decree-Law No. 13 of 24 February 2023 on “regarding “Urgent provisions for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the NRRP (NPC), and for the implementation of cohesion policies an
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Construction of photovoltaic systems to be installed at production facilities in the agricultural, animal husbandry and agro-industrial sectors: the ‘Agrisolar Park’ measure
On 1 July, a decree was published in Italy’s Official Gazette making aid available for works that contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation – by promoting sustainable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable land use – and that reduce the production costs borne by undertaki
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Introduction of an exemption from environmental procedures for certain renewable power plants
As part of the procedure to enact the conversion law for Law Decree No. 13 of 24 February 2023 – regarding urgent provisions for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the NRRP, cohesion policies and a common
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The new regulatory framework for biomethane incentives
The recent adoption of long-awaited Ministerial Decree No. 23 of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security regarding the application rules for the Incentives Decree – which regulates incentives for feeding biomethane into the natural gas grid – is the final step in the legislative
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The Aiuti-bis Decree proposes solutions to Italy’s water emergency
The legislator’s attention is focused on the water emergency in Italy, and Article 14 of the Aiuti-Bis Decree - which came into force last August 10 - provides strict deadlines for entrusting the integrated water service (the “IWS”) throughout the Country. The Ai
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Conversion of the Sostegni Ter Decree into law confirms the two-way compensation mechanism for electricity produced by renewable energy power plants
Renewable energy sources are once again in the legislative spotlight – this time with the conversion of the Sostegni Ter Decree into law on 29 March. According to the conversion law the compensation mechanism now has a definitive form under our regulatory framework: which are the main address
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The Anti-fraud Decree and electricity produced by renewable energy power plants
Art. 5 of Law Decree No. 13 of 25 February 2022 (“Anti-fraud Decree”) – which came into force on 26 February 2022 – significantly amends the two-way compensation mechanism introduced by Art. 16 of the Sostegni-ter Decree in relation to the price of energy from re
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ARERA final guidelines on the waste tariff method for the second regulatory period (MTR-2)
The Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (“ARERA”), with resolution 138/2021/R/RIF dated 30 March 2021 started the procedure to define the waste tariff method for the second regulatory period (“MTR-2”) and, lastly, with the consultation document No. 282/
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Hydrogen: a new season begins
It is a molecule that could revolutionise the world of energy. But where do things stand with its development and use? What structural and legal limits are hindering progress, and how can they be overcome? And what opportunities are out there? Our
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Extension of the deadline to waive ‘Tremonti Ambiente’ tax incentive to allow taxpayers to continue benefitting from the feed-in tariff incentive
Taxpayers now have until 31 December to notify the Italian tax authority of their wish to waive the ‘Tremonti Ambiente’ tax incentive and thus continue benefitting from the feed-in tariff incentives under Energy Bill III, IV and V. This is thanks to the conversion law of the Simplification
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Publication of "FER1 Decree"
On 9 August 2019, the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development, in cooperation with the Minister of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, of 4 July 2019 was published in the Italian Official Journal No. 186 (the "FER1 Decree"). It came into force on 10 August 2019, introduces n
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The European Fund for sustainable development and the EFSD guarantee
In 2017 the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have established the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD), the EFSD Guarantee and the EFSD Guarantee Fund: measures supporting businesses, bodies and organisations with the goal (i) to enable inve
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BonelliErede appoints new board and makes up seven partners - 20 December 2023
At BonelliErede’s partners’ meeting on Saturday, 16 December, the partnership appointed the firm’s new board and made up seven new partners. As announced in October, close to the expiry of the current board’s mandate, a new board was appointed whose members are: Riccardo Bordi, Eman
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Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2019, two new awards for BonelliErede - 1 February 2019
BonelliErede received two awards at the 2019 Legalcommunity Energy Awards on 31 January – organised by Legalcommunity to recognise the previous year’s key players in the energy sector. The firm was crowned “Law firm of the year – Finance”: the judging panel highlighted the following r
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New award for BonelliErede at the Legalcommunity Finance Awards - 16 March 2018
Catia Tomasetti was crowned “Lawyer of the year – Project Finance” at the 2018 Legalcommunity Finance Awards – organised to recognise the previous year’s key players in the finance sector. The judges, in explaining their choice, emphasised Catia’s impeccable reputation and f
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