ARERA final guidelines on the waste tariff method for the second regulatory period (MTR-2)
30 July 2021

The Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (“ARERA”), with resolution 138/2021/R/RIF dated 30 March 2021 started the procedure to define the waste tariff method for the second regulatory period (“MTR-2”) and, lastly, with the consultation document No. 282/2021/R/rif dated 2 July 2021 (“DOC 282”) illustrated ARERA’s final orientations on the MTR-2 and envisaged a public consultation regarding the rules governing the calculation of the costs which may be included in the tariff.

The process of defining the MTR-2 offers some thoughts for reflection that should be taken into account, related to (a) the methodologies for determining the plants closing the cycle classified as “minimum” or “additional” and (b) the asymmetrical approach adopted by the ARERA for the purpose of setting the criteria for the definition of the access tariff to waste treatment plants.

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