Managing Associate
Sede principale: Addis Abeba
Focus Team: Public International Law & Economic Diplomacy
Si occupa di Contenzioso, in particolare negli ambiti:
- diritto civile
- diritto commerciale
- diritto societario
È membro dell’Africa Team e del Focus Team Public International Law & Economic Diplomacy.
Lingue straniere: inglese
È entrato in BonelliErede nel 2008.
In precedenza ha lavorato come tirocinante presso la Direzione delle Politiche Interne dell’Unione Europea del Parlamento Europeo – Segretariato della Commissione Giuridica (2007-2008)
Qualifiche e attività accademica
- Abilitazioni: Esercizio della professione forense (2011). Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano
- PhD: Diritto Commerciale Interno e Internazionale presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano (2012)
- LLM: Corporate and Commercial Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, Regno Unito (2014)
- Laurea: Giurisprudenza presso l’Università di Pisa (2007); Diploma di Licenza in Scienze Giuridiche (2007) e Diploma di Licenza Specialistica in Scienze Giuridiche (2009) presso la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento di Pisa
Knowledge Sharing

Ethiopia appoints its new Government and President. President Sahle-work Zewde is the only female President throughout Africa
Prime Minister Abiy announced the new composition of the government: the ministries have been reduced from 28 to 20 and only some of the previous ministers remain. The law that redraws the powers and responsibilities of the ministries will be enacted in due course. For instance, a Ministry of P
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Ethiopia changes gear in the plan to open to privatization and foreign investments
Ethiopia is at a crossroad: the executive council has recently announced its decision to open state monopolies in the telecoms, electricity, logistic and transport sectors to private investors. Click
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Ethiopia pushes on public private partnerships
Ethiopia has introduced a legal framework for public private partnerships to facilitate privately financed projects to support Ethiopia’s economic growth: a clear process for private parties wishing to invest in specific public project in Ethiopia is now set. More details are available
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