Silvana Colombo is a senior accountant on our administration and finance team.
How has your career path evolved over the years?
I’ve been at BonelliErede for 18 years now and have handled accounting on the receivables side (invoicing national and international clients) and on the payables side (suppliers, banks and cost accounting). The job requires a lot of concentration and precision.
I’ve had the opportunity to assist in the firm’s expansion and internationalisation over the years, which has meant big changes in my day-to-day work and in my team – we’ve grown from 3 to 10 people. This has allowed me to grow professionally and enhance my skills – working together to achieve common goals, with perseverance and commitment. I’d like to think that the future will continue to bring new opportunities for me!
What other aspects of your job fulfil you?
Apart from numbers, I really like liaising with colleagues from our different teams across our various offices. Being a part of BonelliErede means you belong to a great team that works together every day to improve the firm.
Besides numbers, what are you main interests?
One of my interests is cooking. Milan offers a myriad of restaurants with delicious foods from different cultures. At the table, as in life, I like to savour new dishes and love to share them with my loved ones. For me, eating is a moment to take for yourself and the people you’re dining with.
Flowers also fascinate me – they bring me joy and their beauty conveys peace and harmony to me. On my way home from work every day, I pass by some amazing flower shops, and they always bring a smile to my face!