Andrea Savigliano is a managing associate in our financial regulatory practice
What does working in banking and insurance regulation involve?
As a regulatory lawyer, my job straddles the world of law and the world of finance. We work with investors who are looking to expand their business in supervised funds, banks that carry out market transactions, and intermediaries that develop commercial products and services. This very interesting sector saw a real boom in the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy – and development has been only further fuelled by the ever-increasing intersection of digital and fintech technologies with the banking world.
Tell us about how you got started at BonelliErede and what your career at the firm has been like.
I moved to Milan in 2007 and immediately started looking for a job at a law firm. To this day, I still remember the interview I had with BonelliErede, which at the time was Bonelli Erede Pappalardo.
I was so keen to join that I would’ve done anything to make it happen… and I’ve now been here for 15 years!
BonelliErede has given me extraordinary professional opportunities and highly rewarding personal experiences. One very special experience for me was my secondment in London in 2011–2012, as I had the chance to put into practice all the learnings gained from the countless Best Friends meetings I’d had the honour of attending around Europe on behalf of my department. The opportunity to dialogue with professionals of primary standing from different cultures and legal systems continues to be a source of great enrichment for me – and it’s something that today, as a managing associate, I do my best to impart to younger colleagues.
As I think back on my first 15 years with BonelliErede, I can’t help but appreciate how much the firm has given me and how much it has shaped my career, which initially seemed to be heading in a different direction. I really love the sea and wanted to be a professional sailor… but life had a different plan in store, so I’ve made it into a hobby!
But we know that the sea is always with you, even when you’re at your office in Milan…
That’s true. Though life led me down different paths from those I’d imagined as a boy, I always bring the sea with me, well hidden under my jacket and tie. I’ve had a great passion for tattoos ever since I was young, and over the years I’ve developed an affinity for Sailor Jerry’s ‘old-school’ style, with his beautiful sailing ships, rudders and swallows. All much to the amazement of those who, upon discovering this personality trait of mine – perhaps while discussing banking M&A – inevitably exclaim, “I didn’t think you were the tattoo type!”