La Bottega di Quartiere
Decent work and economic growth

La Bottega di Quartiere (roughly meaning a neighbourhood workshop) was established to respond to the resounding call from Milan’s outskirts for a better quality of life and more jobs for the young.

Our response? A Handy Helper service to give job opportunities to disadvantaged young adults, many of whom didn’t finish school. They are on hand to run errands to help lighten the load of everyone across our Milan offices, and each helper is paired up with a tutor to help them develop their customer relationship skills.

Other projects in the same category

Decent work and economic growth

Job placement office for Ukrainian refugees

On 10 May, we opened a job placement office for Ukrainian refugees in Milan. The idea was devised by BonelliErede, ITA2030, and Cometa Formazione social cooperative, which supports young people enter the working world. The centre is open to those looking for a job and is accessible through shel …

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Decent work and economic growth, Quality education


Cometa is where children and young adults who have had a tough time in life can grow, study, find work and learn through experience. Over 1,300 have been helped to date. It’s all about encouraging them to fully express themselves and bringing out their hidden …

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