Vanda Kopic


+39 02 771131

Sede principale: Milano


Si occupa di arbitrati internazionali, in particolare negli ambiti:

  • arbitrato commerciale internazionale
  • arbitrato di investimento

Fa parte del Focus Team Arbitrati Internazionali.

Lingue straniere: croato, italiano e inglese


È entrata in BonelliErede nel 2017.

In precedenza, ha svolto un internship presso uno studio internazionale a Milano.

La sua esperienza professionale si è sviluppata in diversi settori industriali, tra i quali:

  • costruzioni e infrastrutture
  • telecomunicazioni
  • progetti per la fornitura di oil & gas
  • energia

Qualifiche e attività accademica

  • Abilitazioni: Esercizio della professione forense (2019). Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano
  • Laurea: Giurisprudenza presso l’Università L. Bocconi, Milano (2017)

Knowledge Sharing

Going beyond Trump's wall: the extraterritorial reach of Section 1782 to discovery

In a recent decision dated 7 October 2019 (In re del Valle Ruiz, 2019 WL 4924395), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held that a Federal Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1782 may order a party within its jurisdiction to produce documents located outside of the United State …

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The revised Milan Chamber of Arbitration Rules: Leading the way in arbitral procedure

On 1 March 2019, the Milan Chamber of Arbitration issued its revised Rules on Arbitration, which apply to all proceedings commenced after that date. The CAM Rules seek to incorporate the innovations that have emerged in the last decade, raising the CAM’s profile in the competitive arbitrat …

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Third Party Funding: a useful tool to know in international arbitration

The funding of arbitration by a litigation funder on a non-recourse basis is a tool that can give companies access to massive amounts of capital and it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. On 15 May 2018, BonelliErede held a seminar on TPF in international arbitration, d …

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