Sami Moacdieh


+971 45816900

Sede principale: Dubai


Si occupa di diritto societario, M&A e dispute resolution.

È membro dell’Africa Team.

Lingue straniere: inglese, francese e arabo


È entrato in BonelliErede nel 2018.

In precedenza ha lavorato come Associate Editor presso il Berkeley Technology Law Journal. Ha svolto inoltre vari stage presso primari studi legali e aziende internazionali.

Qualifiche e attività accademica

  • Abilitazioni internazionali: member of the California Bar (2022)
  • LLM: Business Law presso University of California, Berkeley (2022)
  • Legal Practice Course & Master of Science in Law, Business and Management presso The University of Law (2018)
  • LLM: International Dispute Resolution presso King’s College London (2017)
  • Graduate Diploma in Law presso The University of Law (2016)
  • Laurea: American University of Beirut, Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship & Accounting (2012)

Knowledge Sharing

The KSA’s Regional Headquarters Program

The KSA recently launched an initiative to encourage foreign companies to establish their regional headquarters (RHQs) in the country or relocate existing RHQs there. Once the related law comes into force on 1 January 2024, foreign companies with RHQs in the KSA will not be permitted to cont …

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