Ethiopia offers large commercial and investment opportunities for Italian companies, which need the right tools to understand them in the light of the current regulatory framework and of the medium and long term prospects of the country. BonelliErede, together with ICE and SACE, we discuss it at our studio in Milan and Padua at two round tables dedicated.
The two panel discuss in an integrated view issues related to Italian investments in Ethiopia, combining an overview of opportunities, investment outlook, regulatory environment and debate on the medium and long term trends.
Thanks to the speeches of our Gianpiero Succi and Gianfranco Veneziano, as well as other speakers of ICE and SACE, companies have the opportunity to learn the right tools to evaluate the many opportunities that Ethiopia offers.
The two roundtables represent a prologue of the international fair ACTIF which take place at the end of February 2016 in Addis Ababa, the main multi-sector appointment of the Horn of Africa organised by ICE and in which we will be partners.