BonelliErede has entered into an exclusive partnership for Ethiopia with the leading Ethiopian law firm Tameru Wondm Agegnehu Law Office. Italian and international clients looking to do business in Ethiopia will be ensured top notch assistance through the combined forces of BonelliErede’s expertise and Tameru Wondm Agegnehu Law Office’s excellence in local law – particularly in terms of cross-border matters: international arbitration, project finance, international taxation, M&A and anti-corruption.
With BonelliErede always on the lookout for partners that embody excellence in their local markets, Tameru Wondm Agegnehu – whom the firm has had the honour of working hand-in-hand with in the past – was identified as the ideal successor to the firm’s former Ethiopian partner Teshome Gabre-Mariam Bokan Law Office (who unfortunately passed away).
Tameru Wondm Agegnehu Law Office – whose founder has been practicing since 1992 and served as Vice President of the Supreme Court in Ethiopia between 1988 and 1991 – is considered an institution in the local legal landscape. And the main international legal directories such as Chambers Global have always ranked the firm at the top of the domestic market, with unanimous recognition from both clients and competitors alike.
In terms of relations with Ethiopia Gianpiero Succi – member of the Africa Committee – remains the go-to partner, supported by members of the firm’s Africa Team.
Indeed, BonelliErede’s local team has been strengthening its presence in recent months through numerous initiatives, including business missions with Italian entrepreneurs and managers, business development meetings and over 10 seminars, events and roundtables dedicated to Sub-Saharan Africa and business opportunities in the Horn of Africa
Stefano Simontacchi, Co-managing Partner of BonelliErede and a member of the Africa Committee, commented: “BonelliErede continues on its path of international development, and Ethiopia marks a new milestone, with a partner of undisputable excellence”.