In 2015, the Best Friends Group ranked first in Mergermarket’s European Legal Adviser League Table (by volume), acting in 244 deals worth USD 251.8 billion.
For more information, please read the Best Friends’ European M&A Snapshot, drafted in collaboration with the Best Friends and Mergermarket.
The Best Friends Group is a European network of law fims, of which each member is a market leader in its jurisdiction, has a formidable international reputation, and is an authority on cross-jurisdictional best practice. Together with the Best Friends Group, BonelliErede builds tailored teams to meet the client’s individual needs, headed by a partner who sets clear lines of responsibility.
The Best Friends Group includes BonelliErede in Italy, Bredin Prat in France, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek in The Netherlands, Hengeler Mueller in Germany, Slaughter and May in the UK, and Uría Menéndez in Spain.