The last few weeks have seen significant changes to the legal framework governing many of the most crucial aspects of our daily lives and work: the Ripresa Decree (Legislative Decree No. 33 of 16 May 2020, entitled “Further urgent measures in response to the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency”) and the related Prime Ministerial Decree of 17 May started us on the road to recovery, and the Rilancio Decree (Legislative Decree No. 34 of 19 May 2020) has given a kick-start to the economy. All producers and businesses are back to business, citizens can travel more freely within regions, and more measures have been introduced to support the economy and consumption.
The Rilancio Decree is especially crucial to the success of phase 2, as it introduces a series of measures for businesses and citizens to support the entire country with its economic recovery.
BonelliErede’s Covid-19 Task Force has thus updated the firm’s multidisciplinary vademecum in light of the new regulatory framework. As usual, everything is covered: the main areas addressed, the salient points of the new legislation and who is affected, along some initial operational guidelines. The vademecum is divided into sections – so that you have a neatly arranged, easy-to-use overview of the various provisions. You can consult the table of contents here – just click on the section that interests you.