Main office: Milan
Focus Team: Construction & Engineering, International Arbitration, Sports Law
- International arbitration and litigation, with particular focus on:
- construction
- commercial disputes
- investment arbitration
- private international law
- Key sectors:
- major industrial works and plants
- engineering
- fashion, luxury goods and design
- services
Foreign languages: English
- Member of the Construction & Engineering Focus Team
- Member of the International Arbitration Focus Team
- Member of the Sports Law Focus Team
- Joined the firm in 2007
- Made Partner in 2023
- Seconded to Slaughter and May in London (2013)
- Contract professor of international private law at the higher school of legal studies, Cattolica University of Milan
- Member of the Italian Bar
- Law degree from Cattolica University of Milan
Knowledge Sharing

Ethiopia ratifies the 1958 New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
The worldwide-known New York Convention has been recently ratified also by Ethiopia. This is a significant step forward in Ethiopia’s path towards a more arbitration-friendly environment and a fundament tool which will strength international business in the country. With its basic and e
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Why arbitration is becoming the preferred dispute resolution method in the luxury industry?
Luxury and fashion companies are often involved in cross-border operations and disputes arising from such transaction are therefore likely to involve companies from different jurisdictions. A smooth management of such disputes is paramount also to preserve commercial relationship with the diff
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BonelliErede expands its partnership: six new partners announced - 19 December 2022
On 17 December, BonelliErede’s partners’ meeting approved the promotion to partner of six of the firm’s managing associates: Livia Cocca, Francesco Casamassa, Gianpaolo Ciervo, Daniele Gambirasio, Giulio Mazzotti and Giovanni Minuto. Livia Cocca joined BonelliErede’s Milan office in 200
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