Laurence Shore


Si occupa di Contenzioso e Arbitrati Internazionali sia come rappresentante di parte sia come arbitro, in particolare in:

  • diritto del commercio internazionale
  • diritto della proprietà industriale e intellettuale
  • diritti umani
  • third-party funding

Rappresenta anche i clienti in casi di fronte alle corti degli Stati Uniti d’America.

È Team Leader del Focus Team Arbitrati internazionali ed è membro del Focus Team Public International Law & Economic Diplomacy e del Third-party Funding Desk.

È Country Partner per gli Stati Uniti d’America Midwest (FL, TX).

Lingue straniere: italiano


È entrato come Partner in BonelliErede nel 2017 e dal 2020 è Of Counsel.

Laurence Shore è  stato partner di Herbert Smith Freehills, di cui guidava il practice group di diritto internazionale pubblico, operando presso la sede di New York. Rappresenta importanti gruppi internazionali in procedimenti arbitrali commerciali e di investimento innanzi alle principali istituzioni, tra le quali l’ICSID (Centro arbitrale della banca mondiale per le controversie di investimento), l’ICC Court of Arbitration (Parigi), la London Court of International Arbitration, il Singapore International Arbitration Centre, l’American Arbitration Association, il Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, la Society of Maritime Arbitrators e l’Istituzione Arbitrale delle Camere svizzere, nonché in procedimenti ad hoc secondo le regole UNCITRAL.

È membro della LCIA’s North America Council ed è stato Presidente del New York City’s Bar International Law Committee (2012-2014).

È stato vice presidente del Comitato Esecutivo dell’ Institute for Transnational Arbitration (2017).

La sua esperienza professionale si è sviluppata in diversi settori industriali, tra i quali:

  • energia
  • costruzioni
  • telecomunicazioni
  • minerario
  • healthcare
  • marittimo
  • finanza


È menzionato dalla guida legale internazionale Chambers & Partners tra i massimi esperti in materia di arbitrati internazionali.

Che cosa dicono gli altri

Laurence Shore wins praise for his “very frank and fair” decisions and “great advice.”

(Chambers & Partners)

Qualifiche e attività accademica

  • Abilitazioni internazionali: New York Bar (2008); Solicitor-Advocate Higher Courts Civil England and Wales (2001); Solicitor, Supreme Court of England and Wales (1996); Commonwealth of Virginia Bar (1991); District of Columbia Bar (1989).
  • Ph.D: Facoltà di Storia presso la John’s Hopkins University (1984)
  • Laurea: Giurisprudenza presso l’Emory University School of Law (1989)
  • Laurea Breve (B.A.): Università della North Carolina-Chapel Hill (1977)

Knowledge Sharing

ICSID Releases Its 2023 Annual Report

The ICSID released its 2023 Annual Report (FY 2022–23) on 13 October. Our International Arbitration Focus Team look at some of the key topics addressed and analyze caseload trends compared to the previous fiscal y …

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Enforcement of intra-EU awards outside the EU

Following the 2018 Achmea judgment issued by the EU Court of Justice, which declared investor-State arbitration clauses in bilateral investment treaties between EU Member States to be incompatible with EU law, the application of the Achmea, Komstroy and PL Holdings judgments by the national cou …

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Is the tide changing for foreign investors in Colombia?

Colombia's newly elected president has taken measures that may have a direct negative impact on foreign business in the country. Our International Arbitration Focus Team provide a short overview on the changing land …

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The 2022 Overhaul of the Italian Arbitration Law

On 18 October 2022, Legislative Decree No. 149/2022, containing provisions modernizing the regulation of ADR tools in Italy entered into force. The Decree ushers in several material innovations to the Italian Arbitration Act and succeeds in correcting the most serious deficiencies of the Ita …

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The relevance of anti-suit injunction

In cross border disputes framework, sometimes parties bring their grievances to domestic courts, in contravention of their arbitration agreement. One of the avenues to compel parties to respect their arbitration agreement is an “anti-suit injunction”, which seeks to restrain a party from …

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UK Supreme Court confirms rift between England and France on law governing arbitration agreements

In the absence of an express choice of law governing arbitration agreements, which law applies and why does it matter? The UK Supreme Court recently dealt with this question in the Kabab-Ji case and reached a different conclusion than the French Court of Appeal. Our

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Two more nails in the coffin of investment arbitration in the EU

Two recent decisions by the Court of Justice of the EU confirm the doctrine of incompatibility of investment arbitration with EU law and expand its scope to arbitral proceedings based on ad hoc arbitration agreements and multilateral treaties. Our

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ICC Arbitration Rules 2021

New Arbitration Rules of the ICC will enter into force on 1 January 2021 and will apply to proceedings commenced after that date. The 2021 Rules reflect the most recent trends in the industry (e.g., transparency, the digital transition, flexibility and streamlining of the proceedings), witho …

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Covid-19: impact on construction companies’ arbitrations

In the current Covid-19 scenario dispute finance can be a useful alternative to corporate finance tools. Government-imposed shutdowns are having serious financial implications for construction companies involved in international projects. Managers are having to choose between competing prio …

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The United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement (“USMCA”)

With the conclusion of the ratification process, the United States Mexico and Canada Agreement (USMCA) is set to enter into force on July 1, 2020.  The USMCA, replacing the NAFTA, will notably limit the scope of using arbitration to resolve investment disputes to those concerning violation of …

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Maritime disputes and arbitration during Covid-19: current trends and future prospects

Which is the impact of the COVID-19 emergency in international arbitration? Our Shipping & Transport Focus Team and International Arbitration Focus Team give an overview of the measures adopted by the arbitral institutions, including those specialized in maritime disputes, to facilitate …

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Latest from the US

Recent US cases regarding discovery and challenges of award deserve attention. Our International Arbitration Focus Team comments US decisions on: Discovery under Section 1782 admitted for commercial arbitration The extraterritorial reach of discovery under Section 17 …

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The ICSID Rules Amendment Proposals #3: a good chance to increase consensus?

On 16 August 2019, ICSID issued for the third time its proposals for amendment of its rules. The proposals aim to respond to the main challenges and criticism of the ICSID system in the last decades, such as those relating to transparency in the conduct and outcome of proceedings, disclosure …

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Going beyond Trump's wall: the extraterritorial reach of Section 1782 to discovery

In a recent decision dated 7 October 2019 (In re del Valle Ruiz, 2019 WL 4924395), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held that a Federal Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1782 may order a party within its jurisdiction to produce documents located outside of the United State …

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The revised Milan Chamber of Arbitration Rules: Leading the way in arbitral procedure

On 1 March 2019, the Milan Chamber of Arbitration issued its revised Rules on Arbitration, which apply to all proceedings commenced after that date. The CAM Rules seek to incorporate the innovations that have emerged in the last decade, raising the CAM’s profile in the competitive arbitrat …

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Does the substantive law matter in international arbitration?

Our International Arbitration Focus Team discusses about aspects of the arbitrators’ decision makings process, with particular focus on the law applicable to the merit of the case and on the legal concepts in the head of arbitrators. Listen to our point of view and watch the video of the e …

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The Prague Rules: wind of change?

The Prague Rules represent an alternative to the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration. They aim at reducing time and costs of international arbitration. Our International Arbitration Focus Team in Milan discussed in a seminar with leading arbitration practitioners …

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Why arbitration is becoming the preferred dispute resolution method in the luxury industry?

Luxury and fashion companies are often involved in cross-border operations and disputes arising from such transaction are therefore likely to involve companies from different jurisdictions. A smooth management of such disputes is paramount also to preserve commercial relationship with the diff …

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US Supreme Court: renewed support for Arbitrators to decide Arbitrability

On January 8, 2019 the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling whereby it stated that arbitral tribunals are competent to evaluate whether a claim is "arbitrable", regardless of whether the basis for arbitration is grounded or not. Our International Arbitration Focus Team analyses

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Quantification of damages in commercial arbitration: mission impossible?

Quantification of damages in commercial arbitration: mission impossible? Quantification in arbitration is still a challenge for both counsel and arbitrators. The CAM hosted its 9th Annual Conference on 30 November 2018, during which speakers discussed methods to calculate quantum, how to …

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Achmea: The Future of Investment Arbitration in Europe

The European Court of Justice’s controversial judgment in Achmea v Slovak Republic has cast serious doubt on the continued viability of arbitration under intra-EU bilateral investment treaties. In an interesting webinar available here, our Interna …

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Third Party Funding: a useful tool to know in international arbitration

The funding of arbitration by a litigation funder on a non-recourse basis is a tool that can give companies access to massive amounts of capital and it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. On 15 May 2018, BonelliErede held a seminar on TPF in international arbitration, d …

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Caught in the "crossfire": quantum calculation in international arbitration

One of the primary challenges that arbitral tribunals face is the quantification of damages. In large, complex proceedings, arbitrators are inundated with voluminous expert reports by the parties, each promoting a different valuation of the same claim. Tribunals are left to their own devices wh …

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Arbitration clauses in intra-EU BITs are not compatible with EU law: a momentous decision by the European Court of Justice

The ruling of the European Court of Justice regarding the arbitration clause in the Netherlands-Slovak Republic BIT will change the European investor-state arbitration landscape. The Court stated that the arbitration clause is incompatible with EU law. This ruling, which did not adopt the Opini …

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Pubblicazioni di Laurence Shore

1 September 2017


Quattro nuovi ingressi per consolidare lo sviluppo in Egitto - 10 Dicembre 2018

Nuovi ingressi a Il Cairo per BonelliErede. Il team in Egitto si arricchisce di 4 innesti: Mostafa Moussa, Mohamed Hossam El Ehwany, Ahmad Farghal e Nayera Sherif entreranno nello studio egiziano Bahaa-Eldin Law Office, con cui BonelliErede opera in cooperazione esclusiva. I nuovi professionist …

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Importanti novità per il Focus Team Arbitrati internazionali a Roma - 31 Ottobre 2018

A partire da ottobre, il partner Andrea Carlevaris si è traferito nella sede di Roma, dove BonelliErede ha sviluppato numerosi clienti nell’ambito degli arbitrati internazionali, con l’obiettivo di consolidare le attività del Focus Team. Andrea Carlevaris è tornato in BonelliErede nel lu …

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Due nuovi riconoscimenti per BonelliErede ai TopLegal Awards 2017 - 21 Novembre 2017

Lunedì 20 novembre, in occasione dell’edizione 2017 dei TopLegal Awards, BonelliErede ha conseguito due nuovi riconoscimenti di primo piano: “Studio dell’anno” e “Studio dell’anno Tax”. Nelle motivazioni del premio di studio, la giuria ha messo in evidenza come BonelliErede abbia …

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